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Making Calculative Impact Within Strategic Decision Making

Strategic Decision Making
Strategic Decision Making

This edition examines the complexities of strategic decision-making (SDM) by dissecting it into three core dimensions: context, content, and process. It emphasizes the critical role of context, including internal and external factors, in shaping decisions, and highlights the importance of aligning decision-making with stakeholder salience. The edition also explores the interaction of multiple “thought worlds” within organizations, which influence creative outcomes and strategic direction. It suggests that successful SDM requires clearly defined goals, stakeholder priorities, and detailed planning of resources and execution methods. Common pitfalls include neglecting to specify the decision-making context and failing to integrate diverse perspectives, leading to suboptimal outcomes.

In This Edition

  • Elements of strategic decision making

  • Direction setting while taking decisions

  • Mistakes most businesses make


SCIXTH is a weekly publication that brings to you unique management perspectives from the findings of over 50 AAA rated peer reviewed management journals. 

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